Spherification is a molecular gastronomy technique that involves turning liquids into spheres using sodium alginate and calcium chloride

You are absolutely correct. Spherification is indeed a molecular gastronomy technique that involves transforming liquids into small, spherical, and often translucent pearls or spheres. This technique is used to create unique culinary presentations and add bursts of flavor to dishes. Here’s how spherification works:


Sodium Alginate: Sodium alginate is a natural compound derived from brown algae. It is often used as the gelling agent in spherification. It forms a gel when it comes into contact with calcium ions.
Calcium Chloride: Calcium chloride is a salt that contains calcium ions. It is used as the setting bath for the sodium alginate solution. When the sodium alginate solution is dropped into the calcium chloride bath, it reacts to form a gel and solidify into spheres.
Basic Steps:

A liquid mixture containing sodium alginate (often referred to as the “sodium alginate bath”) is prepared. This mixture can be created with a wide range of liquids, including fruit juices, broths, sauces, or even purees.
The desired liquid is dripped or piped into the sodium alginate bath.
As the liquid enters the bath, it reacts with the calcium ions in the calcium chloride, causing the sodium alginate to gel rapidly and form a sphere around the liquid inside. This process is known as “gelification” or “setting.”
The resulting spheres are carefully removed from the bath, rinsed in clean water to remove any excess calcium chloride, and then used as a garnish or component in various dishes.
Types of Spherification:

There are two primary types of spherification: “Direct Spherification” and “Reverse Spherification.”
Direct Spherification: In this method, the liquid mixture containing sodium alginate is dripped directly into the calcium chloride bath.
Reverse Spherification: In reverse spherification, the calcium chloride bath is mixed with sodium alginate, creating a bath that contains the gelling agent. The liquid to be turned into spheres is then submerged in this bath, causing gelification to occur.
Flavor and Presentation:

Spherification allows chefs to create small, flavorful bursts of liquid that can be used as garnishes or components in dishes. These spheres can add both visual appeal and taste to a plate.
Spherification is a popular technique in high-end restaurants and culinary experimentation due to its ability to create visually stunning and flavorful dishes. It is just one example of how molecular gastronomy techniques can push the boundaries of traditional cooking and presentation, allowing chefs to create unique dining experiences.